What's Happening

Upcoming Events: 

Christmas Eve at Zion:  Von Himmel Hoch:  The Christmas Story (December 24 @ 5:30)  We look forward to having you join us.  Our program this year is Von Himmel Hoch:  The Christmas Story.  The program will take us through this classic Luther hymn From Heaven Above to Earth I Come (LSB 358).  From this single hymn we'll hear the real meaning of Christmas.  We'll see why it was such a glorious thing for Christ to come incarnate in the flesh, as an innocent and helpless child and why we so desperately needed Him to come.  The story will be told in sections of the hymn, with additional hymns, vocal and instrument performances, children singing, scripture readings, and commentary.

Church Directory:  We will be taking pictures for a formal picture directory for Zion and St. Paul.  The dates will be January 18, 19, & 21.  Look for sign ups coming in December in the back of the church.  Additional opportunities will be added and available to signup online.  These will be quick and NO cost to you and your family.  Look for more info in the coming weeks!

Zion Game Night:  Family Fun Game Night coming Friday, January 10, 2025.  The Festivities begin at 6pm in the Zion parish hall with a soup supper.  Please bring your own drinks and a dish to share.  Bring a favorite board game or deck of cards and the frivolity will begin after eating.  For more information or to volunteer to make a pot of soup, pleas contact Joyce Wollenburg (573-838-8558), Sarah Warner (314-807-8785) or Debbie Landgraf (573-803-9303).

Past Events--Click below for more info

October 23rd, 2022 at St Paul in Chaffee--Family Game Night

Trivia Night! — Feb 4, 2017 9:51:52 PM

150th Year Zion Lutheran Church Anniversary — Aug 1, 2015 4:14:24 PM

Mission Work in the Ivory Coast — Dec 2, 2013 4:55:21 PM